Residential building services installations are becoming more complex and are subject to a greater degree of regulation. High density apartment blocks in particular, even 6 unit conversions, require careful consideration to achieve a cost effective, efficient solution. To achieve a successful outcome special attention must be paid to:
- Strategic consideration of renewable energy requirements that is often part of the planning permission or a client aspiration.
- Early identification of loads for orders to utility service providers.
- Calculations and system selection to comply with Building Regulations, especially the new part L energy requirements.
- Advice on telecommunications and TV distribution.
- Concise scope of works to enable accurate tendering and clarity of responsibility.
- Co-ordination with architectural design. In many instances the detailed design can be carried out by the services contractors to a design brief prepared by ourselves having dealt with these and other issues.
On other projects, where a high degree of detail is required, we have carried out full design of all services.